
Diplomat Lyrics & Chords By Itch

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You see I'm half angel,
And the other half devil
You're kinda dumb,
I'm kinda high,
So weirdly
We kinda on a level
And that's F**ked up like British beef
Yeah that's F**ked up like British teeth
My personalities refuse to settle
Bang heads together head bang heavy metal
I'm a whole person, a whole human being
A walking contradiction all seeing
Cos reality ain't so convenient
I'm the father calming and the baby screaming
Don't ask, when you hear the beat just know it
When the lyric kicks obviously the street poet
Every thug needs a hug
When you're on the red rug, sleeping with the bed bugs

We create
Yeah I'm just trying to elevate

I am not a diplomat I am a human
I won't lay down for your amusement
This is a movement
My contribution
Reality is all else is an illusion

I wasn't put here to keep the peace
I'm no angel my robes are creased
Deceased to increase the ceasefire
Yeah like the rest of the world i got desire
So i swap positions
'A logical incompatibility between two propositions'
That's the definition of a contradiction
But also the definition of all human beings

We create
Yeah I'm just trying to elevate

I am not a diplomat I am a human
I won't lay down for your amusement
This is a movement
My contribution
Reality is all else is an illusion

I puff out my chest and I freeze on contact
As sure of myself as a pre nup contract
I get told to stay the same
But I grew roots so that I could grow and change
Some days i might protest for your rights
Some days i might just get drunk and fight
Some days i might spend a tenner and look fly as hell
Some days i might just f**k all day be high as well
I am not what you want me to be
That's what makes a person a real human being
Don't be believing the mischievous ways
Of deceiving demons thieving your trust

I am not a diplomat I am a human
I won't lay down for your amusement
This is a movement
My contribution
Reality is all else is an illusion

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