高槻やよい (cv: 仁後真耶子)

Artist: 高槻やよい (cv: 仁後真耶子)


高槻やよい (cv: 仁後真耶子)'s lyrics & chords

Yayoi is a bright and cheerful girl who cares for her family very much. Due to her father's unstable occupational status, her family is actually quite poor, as indicated by Yayoi's plain clothing, which she's actually had for a very long time. To earn extra money, Yayoi often does cleaning and other odd jobs around the 765 Production building, and continues to do so even after she debuts as an idol. She's endlessly energetic, however, and never lets the weight of the world discourage her. Yayoi is the oldest of 5 siblings and always has to be t...read more

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