Scientific American

Artist: Scientific American


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This name relates to two different things on 1) The magazine Scientific American was founded in 1845 and has provided a wide variety of reporting on many topics over the years, notably publishing podcasts such as '60-Second Science' that are available for free download through iTunes. Individuals such as Christopher Intagliata and Cynthia Graber have provided the vocal work for these podcast releases. 2) Scientific American is a stage name that has been used by U.S. indie music artist Andrew Rohrmann. After establishing himself as a more

Auditory illusions Arranged marriages can be real love connection Hearing our heartbeats Good sprinters have long toes Handedness could reveal aliens House call for gorilla Climate change ups infectious disease risks Texas messes with history The baby nobels Why does schizophrenia appear in young adults? Infecting mosquitoes before they infect us Paper money tainted with cocaine Different exercise affects appetite differently Craving for sex may trip other hungers in men Brain smarter than we are Laughing proves as effective as exercise Bonobo chimps stay childlike Rice really rises to the occasion Irresistible antibiotics Sound during sleep fixes learning Exposed untruths continue to shape voter impressions Darwin in battle of wits against unarmed man Why are conservatives happier than liberals? Happiness is contagious Perfect pitch related to language Pen mightier than passion In defense of evolutionary psychology Artificial intelligence predicts gambling behavior Plants share light if neighbor is related Pharaohs had heart disease Body makes own aspirin compound Can science save the banana? Nice guy gets some sugar Old energy source wood be new alternative Does getting fat protect against fat? Mine injuries rise right after daylight saving time Cell phone use endangers boneheads The myth of multitasking Diet and the brain Odds favor drunk trauma victims Atul gawande redux Mussel and printer in time saves 9 Last supper keeps swelling Nasa scanner offers clues to whale hearing Electronics with a twist Neuroscience is everywhere Lowering the ceiling on roof energy losses Hyena laughter is serious business Stomach cells happier with dark roast coffee Super chicken vision Powerful and bad in 2009 Fish shrink to beat heat Cigarettes are bacteria sticks too Shoot a space invader to drive at night Document found older than dead sea scrolls Largest snake rattles paleontology Museums dogged by wrong animal walks Finches seek out sick dining companions Internet addiction? Tour our oblate spheroid with the geek atlas Light all night not alright Sneezes provoke fears beyond illness How orangutans traverse treetops Fight malaria by helping mosquitoes Spleen gives heart a leg up Judging a book by its genomes Kayaking antarctica with jon bowermaster Women smell better than men Near misses motivate gamblers Synchrotron focuses on new hominid fossil Invading species carrying parasites have healthy appetites Buck privates require buck rogers Running shoes jog joints Forcing electrons into superconducting line Plants put the bend in rivers Backyard feeders driving bird evolution Reflected light disrupts animal behavior Predictors of preschool depression Vitamins block some exercise benefits Butterfly shows speciation signs Ig nobel prizes awarded Superstitious behavior makes evolutionary sense Great expectations for 2009 Ebay lessens antiquities looting Elderly who forget age remember better Could time end? Shedding light on migraine Antennae key to butterfly navigation Nyc high schoolers find fake food labeling with dna Jockey positions speed up horses Cat call coerces can opening Genetic link for perfect pitch? Bigger bodies better in pool Pharmed fish Pain on purpose hurts more Affirmations improve minority student grades Dinosaurs were dutiful dads Fighting crime with math The talent for facial recognition French fries on the corny side Accord of sorts in copenhagen Eavesdropping on dolphins Clean smell promotes good deeds Can hybrid cars be too quiet? Bigger voter turnout gets better fish leader Fish gave us the finger Why dwarf galaxies lack star power Do cardiovascular implants get enough testing? Pill may change attraction Beware the holiday sugar high Sperm supply tied to competition How to speak persuasively Hope for spinal cord injuries Completing the cosmic course Window stickers lead to stretchy electronics Bad nose for bird flu Gene lowers infection chance by changing behavior Chauvinist piggishness pays Predicting floods in a flash Horning in on triceratops Engineered virus harnesses light to split water How we fool ourselves over and over Chronic pain relief Elephants divvy up the leg work Genetic protection against sleep deprivation Rain zone moving north Really mass media Hot rocks were technology revolution Less taxing bp monitoring Sugar rinse raises performance Psych help and hotline for military personnel Astronauts rose from humble starts Hockey and concussions Aldrin dusts off moon memories South asia brown cloud is homemade Raindrop sizes surprises Sound method to levitate droplets Dirty little rat gives cancer clues Life origin experiment gets better with age Brain activity altered during religious experience Brain hears just by seeing Your microbes give you away Round and round we go A little yolk for boys Sneaky orchid drives wasps wild Speech storage could reduce writing Do rainforests create rain? Fast food thoughts lead to general impatience Rare drivers may multitask safely Exactly when is a person dead? Birds bop to beat Overeating alone explains obesity epidemic Secrets of bad singing Tweezers made of light beams Immigrant dust feeds rain forests Botoxed face impairs bad feelings Bees can recognize human faces Frost found on asteroid Catching the brain at work Sun may be an immigrant Apnea treatment improves golf game Multiple planets caught orbiting distant star Cancer drugs may also treat alcholism Immigrant elephants stick together Cell phones sometimes cause real pain Lie detection with handwriting Ancient granary predates agriculture More fronts in fight against malaria Disappearing bees have devastated ribosomes Expedition finds world war ii navy wreck Body odors individual as fingerprints Thanksgiving dinner could stop black friday shopping Brain sacks out in stages Brahe burst brought to light Bacteria can use viruses to spread toxin gene Breathing easy thanks to the great oxidation event Pregnant moms who chew fat pass on habit Healthy women can still react as if anorexic Costlier cola cuts caloric consumption Wash away your doubt No gender gap in math Bite back on world mosquito day Why bangladesh water contains arsenic Cesium clock faces ytterbium challenge Water on the moon Robot clam achieves feat with foot Hurling at the enemy Fly swatting 101 Happiness is a walk in the park The bearable density of bird bones Veteran women biomed researchers still shortchanged Steroids enhance athletes for years Clean energy contest; and counting crickets and katydids Less choice fixes traffic flow Artificial gravity slows muscle loss Scary music scarier with eyes shut Wastewater analysis for drug abuse evidence Oxytocin may alleviate some autism Artificial muscle brings back blink Find x and say your work Fitness linked to smartness Champagne bubbles key to taste Tools are body parts to brain Whistle while you wing Bad mileage driving tips Making music for monkey minds Ground can bounce in earthquakes Musical ability connected to genes Eating healthfully at the new yankee stadium Antioxidants and male fertility Big bird relationships revision Animals honestly advertise toxicity Vicious circle of belly fat Just smelling coffee helps head Another ellipse around the sun Aphids pilfered red genes from fungus Nuclear bombs expose fake wines Illness behind most bankruptcies Gal gamers geekier than guys Parasites to thank for sex? Presidential elections up car crashes Girls equal boys at math Ritalin dose changes effect Even poor kids are social network savvy Lower iq scores linked to higher suicide risk Adversity is linked to life satistaction Newspapers worldwide call for climate change action New nobel laureate jack szostak and surrogates film director jonathan mostow Is texting making us bad spellers? Torture interferes with memory Ear cells actively amplify sound Cash rewards help dieters Window view beats tv for stress College students are less empathic than generations past Warm climates support longer limbs Early attachment may affect our ability to resolve conflict in relationships Detecting digitally altered video Do all animals sound the same? Abundant oxygen indirectly due to tectonics Evolved blood allowed mammoths to survive the ice age How deep is the ocean? Is dark energy an illusion? Odd spider prefers salad Teen inventors fight tinnitus Management system could keep tuna on table Subways loudest transit option in nyc Voting affected by implicit beliefs Learning to stay calm Crowds walking can make a bridge sway How brain hears over din Humans spreading disease to chimps Mechanism points to acupuncture pain relief Take a virtual moonwalk for science Cannabis may influence onset of psychosis Good bacteria against type 1 diabetes Grain use well before modern agriculture Hairdressers hear health secrets Resuscitating lungs for transplant Gene for disease has healthy flipside Copper knocks out fish bacteria Bad biodiveristy ups west nile odds Bicycle safety in numbers Future of science coverage Dead stars tell of rocky planets Heart keeps pumping out new cells A presidential science debate Digging deeper into the entire brain Fungi take a bite out of bpa Medical systems that first do no harm Black hole quasar building galaxy Getting everyone a straight flush Gene stops ovaries from testifying Truth is that parents lie to kids Outsmarting bombers; and a warless future? Drugs move slowly through development pipeline The real monsters on halloween Solar powered fuel cells New nasa mission to sun planned Nutcracker man preferred soft fruits Entomophagist calls for cricket casseroles The real concern when couples fight First sex alters body image Lighter drinks avoid heavy head Bogus brainteaser Fungus could be kudzu killer Ocean noise clue to climate change Soil bacteria might increase learning Wind farmers go to school on fish Hot baths may cure loneliness Perception of our physical state when depressed or anxious The staying power of alcoholics anonymous Animals that seek out alcohol Primate not so innocent Galapagos invaders actually native species Why did matter beat out antimatter? Busting the myth that opposites attract Baby coral home in by sound Language immersion impedes access to native tongue Water blankets forming planets Salty origins for early earth biomolecules Maple seed flight aerodynamics Wash car after chickens cross road Fish vision splits species Listen to lingo to learn Did smallpox vaccine limit hiv? Beating heart tissue from stem cells How green was the nobel prize in chemistry Diet diary doubles weight loss This is your brain on arts Telescope will come to the dark side Truffles serve up environmental info Paying in cash keeps us healthy Beware of brain differences in the sexes Tuning in to the insect philharmonic Restoring movement in paralyzed limbs Air fresheners’ unlisted ingredients Word problems fail math students Nets drive evolution of small fish Some bacteria dine on antibiotics Counterproductive cameras at traffic lights Bigger animals keep a stiff lower foot Ostriches offer clues to dinosaur motion Bully or victim? more similar than we might think Smaller fingers mean more sensitive fingertips To bee or not to bee Dna testing to help sharks keep fins Mathematician says rays should reign Adhd genetics sometimes beneficial Hutterites are model gene community Parasites permeate ecosystems Loud bar equals more beer Oral contraceptives as part of ivf The connection between multiple sclerosis and depression Animal feed is fishy Hotel guests throw in the towel on the environment Fruit fly immunity stronger while sleeping Elderly web surfers benefit brains Bright bugs clue for plant medicinals Bone marrow transplant stops mouse version of ocd First impressions can be quite accurate Human speech genes mimicked in mice Warm hands warm heart The great worldwide star count Fewer studies cited in internet age Ancient mariners sailed between mexico and south america Soccer players ranked with network analysis Play up that ugly trait Amateurs help pro astronomers sort galaxies Mice sensing leptin stave off diabetes Brain images make inaccurate science news trustworthy Baby boom galaxy churning out stars Body clock doubles as dinner bell Diverse personal networks linked to strong local economy New crop of elderly outsmart their predecessors Rude people can be perceived as powerful Social context influences language Mass transit encourages exercise and weight loss Mercury fillings seem safer over time The lure of bette davis eyes Pavement changes weeds seeds Gators move lungs to maneuver Fishing lines that repel sharks Conversing the galapagos Hot cones cue hungry insects Training scientists to run for office Beating neglected tropical diseases Baseball luddites need video Wimaxing that wireless internet connection Leaves maintain a constant temperature Facial expressions of mice in pain Butterflies choose plants for medicinal qualities Malaria increases with deforestation in brazil Mouse disease needs gene plus viral infection A study shows prescription od accidents are on the rise Rare designation may not be well done Were dinos on their way out before the meteor? Computer takes clarinet lessons Know thyself Too much salt eaten by almost everyone Tipsy sports fans easily buy more booze Using crop residue for biofuels hurts soil quality Airplane air not so germy Nanotech paper sops up oil spills Stomach bug may ward off asthma Sloths not as lazy as thought Gadget calculates carbon footprint Platypus genome is duckbill oddball Using cell phones to track humans Encourage walking with urban planning Molting molds flying bird size limit Pepper heat battles bugs Recipe for snow includes cloud microbes Civic planning for thinner people Gorillas galore in congo Scientists catch up to mutant tomatoes Old flies with young friends live longer Lasers let lightning loose Male voice good indicator of physical strength Meditation correlated with structural changes in the brain We only trust experts if they agree with us Still fighting the plague Fruit juices block some drugs Prions cross species barrier in lab Where you vote can affect how you vote Bumpy whale fins outperform smooth turbines A star is flung The impact of rude behavior on a business What makes an honest smile honest? Thinking about time or money impacts how we spend our days Pour champagne on the side for better flavor Mussel ride waves with genes waves Bees help track criminals Sea bacteria produce methane The mythical daily water requirement Look to lessen acute pain Intelligence averages linked to regional infectious disease burden Brain makes tennis call error more likely Ancient bones hold tb clues Alligator for what ails ya? Tech team puts microscope on cell phone Asexual solution to a parasite problem Fish capable of judgment calls Worldwide telescope brings universe home Steve ashley on the coming water crisis Grief counseling possibly counterproductive Olive oil yields soar with nmr 1918 flu antibodies alive and well Sensing sweets without taste The blind use the visual cortex to process sound What it means to forgive Yeast does dna tricks to live in us Some milky way stars are survivors of older galaxies Cell number is future fat fight front Beetle points way to better spray Atlas identifies regions of worm infections The strongest predictor for low stress Clothing that can record or produce sound Neutrino mass upper limit estimated by galactic distribution Fraidy face helps survival Hepatitis may be ally against hiv Babies think large means dominant Patients leave emergency rooms confused but confident Sly male ants carry queen genes Electric gold Next up for nasa Researchers heart yak cheese Public underestimates savings of energy efficiency Fish fare futilely in future ph Severe weather psychology Christmas season science Baseball science Math learning disability as common as dyslexia The popularity of predictive medical testing Restaurant noise can alter food taste Phoenix mars lander reaches red planet Organism sets record for extreme living conditions Ancient east asian found in roman empire Solar energy harvesting using 1 percent of current materials Behavior influenced more in denser networks Blue whales synchronize song pitch Audio finds frog counters may be overestimating Brain imaging studies show different cultures have different brains Dealing with super bowl xliv pressure Neandertal mitochondrial dna sequenced Lucky guesses maybe more than luck Trusting souls excel at spotting liars Your opinion of climate change depends on your social psychology Ancient europeans were mostly righties Being multilingual helps with multitasking Women apologize more frequently than men do Ability for mathematics may be inborn Smartphone apps may share info with advertisers Broccoli fights cancer by clearing bad tumor suppressors Our uhs and ums may help children learn language Mds often keep quiet about incompetent colleagues Women needed for medical trials Young children think differently about ownership Later school start time leads to better students Sports results affect voter behavior Placement and presentation gets kids to buy more fruits and veggies Presence of parks leads to more physical activity Whaddya do with a dead whale? Adult brain shows learning changes fast Transgenic canola plants break free of farm Fancy brand logos send mixed messages What is dark matter? Loss of tv friends can cause distress Clothing reveals racial stereotypes Scientists find a new way to measure pain Ancient people played lots of games Think more to eat less Stars of cosmology part 1 Listening in on night birds A mars rovers once over Deaf cats have enhanced vision Lower cost lighting may not lower cost Just how big a deal is milk drinking? Why walking weakens wee ones Pigeons gamble on unlikely jackpot over small sure things Mice exposed to night light get heavy Assassin bug hunts spiders with prey vibes Cosmic gravitational lensing reveals ancient galaxies People with tourette syndrome show strong cognitive control Home visits improve aids outcomes Hearing damage rises among teens Psychology studies biased toward western undergrads Sugar flushes out hidden microbes

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