Sinn Sisamouth

Artist: Sinn Sisamouth


Sinn Sisamouth's lyrics & chords

Sinn Sisamouth (Khmer: ស៊ីន ស៊ីសាមុត) (1935 - c. 1975) born in Stung Treng Province, Cambodia was a famous and highly prolific Cambodian singer-songwriter from the 1950s through the 70s. Widely considered the "King of Khmer music," Sisamouth, along with Ros Sereysothea, Pan Ron and other artists, was part of a thriving pop music scene in Phnom Penh that blended elements of Khmer traditional music with the sounds of rhythm and blues and rock and roll to make a Westernized sound akin to psychedelic or garage rock. more

Komlos teng bey House of the rising sun Keng tov keng tov Sneha maktheung Saek nis jea tngay atit Khe srov tum Navy Odom duong chet What your eyes has? Neavea chivit Rom sue sue “dance sue sue” Kompong cham kompong chet Sros rork min ban If i told my baby Chet nov ket prathna Krao pi roup pov Bong sronoh somdai Snae srei te mneak Rumduol longvek Mean sneh mean luy Jengjean pich na oun Beung konsaeng Su tram tam kam Phnom tauch phnom thom Neang ang roub roe? Hala Chumrum sneh Champa pailin Soben chamlek Yang na tov sneha Reatrei nov hong kong Sankhim chong kroy Bur neung prot heuy Bom plech menban Klen kloun noun srey Bopha bandol chet Jomreang how oun Kampot kampuol duongchit Chivith kamkor tbaung Junchiaya Jap meas Violetta Bong ches te twist Pka kampuchea Bawng skaat raok Amra proat bdei Meul min thlous Kanseng pak pka Kham te choeur Noek khoenh teang ars Min yol Sronos phoum doem lvea Luoch meul mara Morn sneh srei kmao Duong khê rornoch Som thort rub muoy na neang Bopha porngror Kolab chroy ta prum Sambot bong muoy Any Gompot doung jet Ronouch khee teab Bawng daeur maot steung Steung slaku Neak trach choar Aknija pkor lorn Sday doung dara Kleng dach kseh Srolanh srey touch “i love petite woman” Sneh bat samros Nhonhim nhonhim Doch chea prohêl muk Meul kun té on Ram doul angkor Pors may khan sla Thevary my love Neuk oeuy saen neuk Mouy mern alai Sraoh sraoh sraoh sraoh Samros neang chev touk dor Chourb knea chong kroy leu chne ksach Cham cheat kroy chos Trardok sday yiem Champey siemreap Keo sneha Bong soutram chos Prass kluon keeng teouv Sranaos klen maam Ramvong pel reatrei Chet et sankhem Samros koh kong Marina Kleat kay srei Bong pjoeu kon phorng Visamak kal nov krong kep Neary bortes reu Bong sen pinh chet ning srey Peak oun saniya Rom sue sue Boe nov mean preah atit ning preah chan Kom sman borng phlech Three gentlemen Kobbas leas kjey Kchol kdot tirk joun Sok veng mless? Khom leay chock chom kgeak Dara kjom euy Chourb doy chaydon Chamrieng moronak Rom rock Tumnuonh chab meas Bat propoun Tich ké tich knhom Sovann machha Reasmei kdei sangkhoem Hêt tê kam bong Chivit neak nesat Roub noeng hoy Bong thlob srolagne oun Bong saom thnom thnak Atreat Beysach krarmom Bong ros pros oun Mlis ruot phum thmei Sam kmean toah Tep thida knong soben Nochek Oh oh yey yey Phneit oun mean evey? “what does your eyes has?” Mek ning dey Prarvas srê mdarng Orr morn roh ngiev Or preah chtrea euy Som pteas on chrork Loeung rom ban teh? Thminh chheu thkob Mék kpors dei reab Chantrea reas heuy Stoeng sangkê prê chet thmei Pka rich bang sloek Toe pit reu té? Phumphourng samay Krou kmeng tnam chnang Samdei min tieng Are sous Tevada than kandal Mjas klin nov ti na Story of sunkgai river Sdap pleng bong jreang bompay Prek eng os sangkhoeum Kheugn min ban Meul pnek kjom kheugn chet kjom Ram suprise party Cham chom leir tarm kyol Pailin soben sneh Rumduol dorng stoeng siem reap Chet mouy thlerm mouy On plech reuang daeum Thavary meas barng Decho psarng preng Sork veng mdech min ut Som rom cheamouy phorng Mlis lea chak torng Akara tam preah peay Sronoh dai thnorm Sday chumnoun choun mê tov sdei Reang euy reang ré Kcharng kdark Amrek sneh avachey Reahou chab chan Vey pign kromom Lea lous avasan Sno dom nok pleang Oun yum rieng avey? Chhob niyeay py roeung sneha Kham luoch srarlanh Hol phor bai thorng On chea duongchit bang Yok taborng tov lumbia Soriya kampong prak Klen euy klen kluon Toek ho kraom spean Samnau kakei Who doesnt love Som chourb trem cheat noeng Have a caramel Khyol samut Sark veng anlay Sdab so toek plieng Rumdourl kropum Phsorng kaeut chea toek Samleng tavao pel os sdarngkort Samrars seda koh thmei Tuk thnaot Sman chit min trov Chapei ning mit kjom Aun kong doeng khluon Aoh komphem Tngay mun bong thoeb oun Kolab daunteav Phka rik knong chit Jam sor kolarb srey jear kue Neak kat sork day ek Prab bong ban te Muny khemara akasayean Chet bours Riem cbarng yeung Nov te sday Bah ohne ban bong Bopha pael prolem Sdai vey komlos Ros cham chamloeuy Kamrorng phourng tkol Jole jroke sin nean Kdech chhoeu nas oun Mlub po bakheng Chhet chhet preut preut Som on meta bopha kampong som Kam akrork Chouk knoung boeung Chita noeng chao Songsa somlang chet Rosoeub nas Samnob chet Boe anet Pkay proek Choub snei ar phop Soriya rieb lich Jet bong sopheap borross Jum poav vel vinh Chorm ork chorm orn Reatrei chuob sneh Vilvinh on Os prak os sneh Prot tiang srolanh Chan reas leu rorth yorn krong Bos choong Barnh chea pith kalyanei Ram changvak rock Kyom mean kou hoy Phorp samnang Cer chaet chol chnam Reatrey del kjom cham min plich Âo stoeng posat Rorm thor tov tead Pkor lorn aeh tbong Srawligne mun smoh Gom lang jak jonggah Khork jet sneah srey Thaeh bong kohe avey £Ç¤£ÁÃa¨º¥¢º¡ Gon gap ork or Cham nhonhim sa chea thmei Komsan kungkea Bong kern srey Bong ung goy jam merl plov Kach ey kach mless Sluck chear Anicha chevut lenge plu Sneah ha Preas tlor ver vol Jung tal ung ale Nissay krub leak Aroun hiye kao bong hiye Koh chas koh thmei srei prê chet Got shawk got shawk Trarpeang peay Twer ruk ei chung Thup thaeh eilao bong ban dun Anu sow vary ohne bong Kyom mok jew ngoun laor Pale oun klear tov Aso khlin min ban khluon Jumreang dale look took pee yo Chmoss oun la bey sung sai Chomreang somlange mooy murn Chlaeuy maok sneha Piphop kmean ney Khmer oldies Than sour ney monus kvak Yerng komplich knea Tumnuonh phokol kuma Sros nis sros Anuksavry klaoch psa Chap youm Men dale proteak tay tay Soom gneak mok niss Kolap tokyo Mok rom ning kjom Angkalimea Teuk phnek leu akhara Rea threy daeh ban Chantoo Bong ning bes pka hoeuy Mdit bon jea lourch sach owl kyom Srorling bong hai mdit lie men smoss Sangkhim roeu kmean sangkhim Ruk karm korb fa Kromom chhoe loe Rosel kong phnom Pale bong kunge ohne gnoot th Phleng khum raung Lourch sneh lourch tuk Touek pnek rumchang Cyclo King kork krart Oun euy meaul pkay Chivit kjom samrab te neak Kokong Aeh nah promajrei Now songkum chea nich Samrek chheam khmer Yub yun thun trojeak Roseal Prawlong choup hiye Roke snaeh kunge hiye Thamacheat euy Chevut rongue kam Lea hoeuy paris Neary nim nourn Krom somlang tirk pleang Srawmai

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