
Listen Up Cakes Lyrics & Chords By Beefy

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See this is the kinda song that you record and you know only like one or two people are gonna hear it. It sucks, but I just got one question... Did you dream last night?

Was I in it baby? Was it just you and me?
Hopped up on a fantasy that maybe you and me could be
When in reality our future I know that you don't see
Even though you stole my heart like I still love these MP3s
And please don't disagree because you do not know my point of view
Just because you think you do doesn't mean that it's true
It doesn't always make you right, but I'll admit you got insight
At times I wanna go to some bars and start some fist fights

You like me on the net, full of vibrato and rage
And I think that you like the me that's written down on the page
That's all up on the stage, who's recording and sold
The me that doesn't have a fear at all of being so bold
But then you meet me in the real life and I'm honest and shy
I'm so quick to tell a lie, maybe to scared to live my life
Or so I'm led to believe, cause this is how you've broken me down
My insecurities are mine and they are keeping me sound

Man this is bullshit, I mean I say what I don't mean here because you feel lonely and you feel pissed off and you just wanna hurt them... But you love them.

So feel free to second guess all of the feelings that we had
Cause I'm a baby and I'm sad, and like a bitch I'm on my rag
Because I'm not into the crazy shit that you're all into
Just cause you jumped into the deep end doesn't mean I have to
I have my own will, my own rights, my own mind
You can give me your love but you can't give me some time?
You can't give me any comfort? Well don't you understand
That I don't wanna look back on my life and be mad
And be sad and be sore, pissed off at my mistakes
Sobered up quick and jumped right down on those brakes
So listen up, cakes, cause this isn't easy to say
Man it may not be today, but someday I'll have my day

So what you say, do anything that you regret last night?
Of course not, your first rule is do whatever you like
Despite the reprocussions and the feelings that you hurt
Don't feel bad that you made me feel like dirt, that's too much work, right?
And baby it's my fault, I'm doing this to myself
But I'm kinda sneaky, got myself a +2 to stealth
And I'm just killing myself, this isn't great for my health
And maybe you'd like me a lot more if I had me some wealth
But you're not greedy like that, no you're not shallow at all
See I'm self-centered and I'm lonely and that isn't your fault
And I get jealous, and I got this boiled blood in my veins
And this alcohol ain't helping, don't say "help" in my brains
And I know I'm not insane, I just think that I'm too obsessed
You probably shoulda run away the first night that we kissed
And I know I'm not a perfect kid, of course I got regrets
But when I'm with you I'm less whiny, never throwing these fits

You gave me the attention, made me feel like a star
And I can only hope the way I make you feel is on par
So together to the end, probably not, but I try
See I'll love the pretty lady until the day that I die

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