
A High That Feels Something Like A Low Lyrics & Chords By Ghosts In Your Vicinity

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I. I feel like a mouth facilitating the language constructed by the mind of depression, a vocal confirmation that I have diluted my ambition to accommodate my aggression. more

If misery loves company (and isn't that why you clung to me?) let's all come together and we'll a call it a church. Put a few people on pedestals and they can tell us why we hurt. more

What's the point? Can your so called honesty predict revelations? This trigonometry repeals all my innovation. The angles set had no equation. A triangle makes sense, but more

When she finds the magazines underneath her husband's side of the bed, she'll stand naked in front of the mirror for hours (... well what did you expect?) more

It hasn't poured this much as long as I remember, but I've been forgetting a lot. Sometimes you get used to scraping bottom. There are wrecking balls moving in these more

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